Thursday, May 5, 2016

"The Rise of Drumph"........ Oh, I am so sorry. NO I AM NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Not enough exclamations in my title. Oh man , golly, Jesus Christ, crap on a cracker, you're it and any other urban slang won't suffice or do justice in explaining about this colossal blunder of a person "Donald Trump". Either Americans lost their mind or some kind of voodoo magic has taken over their minds. How, tell me how could this weasel advance to the final stage of the primaries. All his opponents have dropped out, he is just short of winning the Republican Presidential Nomination. This is a travesty. An injustice to the citizens of USA and the world. I will tell you why? But first lets just take a glance at this ignoramus.

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There are truly no words to describe him. He is petty, sexist, narcissistic, misogynist, bigot, racist, con-man, foolish, idiotic, embarassing........etc. The list goes on. But he is still winning the major primaries. How? How is this possible. Who is voting for this guy. Surely no sane person would, but he is still in the forefront. Lets breakdown the numbers and see why this is so. The majority voters for trump are White men, with very few minorities and even fewer women who vote for him. Why is he having so much support from white males? Well the reason is, he has convinced this particular demographic that everyone else is out to get them. He is fuelling hate and wrong information among this particular group. He is catering to the racists and rousing up hatred in others. Hatred against the Mexicans or the blacks or any other minorities. Even the women are his targets. Donald Trump is the epitome of ignorance and arrogance. No one else cuts close to this guy.

His policies or rather views conjured from the round table discussion of his scooby-doo gang is nothing but a quagmire of unreasonable demands and impossible missions. Some of them are outright crazy , some would make you ask did the future US president come up with this shit. Let's take a gander at some of them, 1. Force Mexico to pay to build a wall along the border, 2. ban all Muslims coming to the USA, 3. stop immigration, 4. restrict the freedom of speech, 5. control the media, 6. tax american companies making goods in China and other countries, 7. prohibit abortion, 8. removing gun control, 9. decrease taxes for the wealthy.......etc. Its funny and ironic when you have a guy totting the motto of his campaign "MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN", and his policies are just the opposite of that more like MAKE AMERICA DRUMPF AGAIN. He is a loose cannon, a rabid dog that needs to be shot. His own party doesn't want him to be their candidate for president. How fucked up is that. The GOP establishment supported Ted Cruz and John Kasick. But neither of them could get the needed delegates and both of them dropped out.

The sad thing is not that Trump is standing for president. But the fact that there is a large population of people who actually believe he will make a good president is what scares me. The US president is the most powerful man on this earth , the decisions he make affect not only US citizens but the rest of the citizens of the world. So the man who is taking the presidents chair must be the right person man or woman. They should respect the position of the office and act accordingly. He / she cannot be rash, cannot come to conclusions without research, cannot uncontrollably babble hateful rhetoric, must be well informed, must be well mannered, must be truthful, must be charismatic and above all the culmination of all that I mentioned before MUST BE PRESIDENTIAL. Trump on the other hand, sadly meets none of these qualities. Our allies UK, European Union, Japan , South Korea all hate him. Russia, India and China are looking at him with sheer amusement. He is a TV SHOW for them. A funny, pathetic, idiotic TV show that they can watch all the days. He managed to instigate and agitate all the middle eastern countries by declaring a ban on all Muslims entering the USA. What this buffoon doesn't realize is that America is a capitalist country. The USA is not involved in the middle east because it cares for the people there but rather for the trillions of dollars of  purchases by the Middle east from weapons , civilian and military aircrafts, ships, cars, computers, phones to fast foods to everything. American companies dominate in the Middle East. US companies design, create and build the cities, buildings and roads in the Middle East. This area is a cash flow zone for the US. This is something which shouldn't be jeopardized and this idiot comes along with his fox hair, saying all the crazy things and is creating a schism

Trust me when I say this if Trump does become the president. Lets put it this way, I don't think he will stay that long in that chair. The senate and house of congress will impeach him. This will be the reality if he becomes president. Just as the world needs the USA and so does the USA need the world. In this globalized world everything and everyone is connected, countries are dependent on each other. I understand putting America first. But that is not always the case. There is sharing and giving involved , you can't have it all. Does he really think he can make China bend over backwards for him. That they will stop their manipulation of the Chinese currency for unfair gains just because he asked. Oh hell no. Does he know how much US debt China holds. "Trillions of dollars". Oh, believe me when I say this, he has a rude awakening coming.

Most of Donald Trump's support is from people who are brainwashed into thinking he can really deliver on the things he says. I just wish they just stop and wait for a minute and analyse the situation, analyse what kind of a president he will be and how he will affect the future of America. People who vote for him will cry once he drives this great country into the ground. Then all they have is to blame themselves for this catastrophe of a person. I will say that I don't want to be a pessimist in things, but there is just no way of getting around this. He is that type of a person. Trump claims he will act more presidential once he becomes the president. But how can a man who has never acted presidential in his life change now.

Anyways ending on a positive note. I sincerely pray and hope that the right person comes to power as the 45th President of the United States of America. The USA is a shining beacon of what Freedom and Liberty looks like. And the countries around the world want to be just like them. My own country looks a lot to the USA for guidance. Yes there are some problems in the US but which country hasn't got them. The USA is a role model for other countries. And all I will say is LEAD THE WAY BIG BROTHER.

Image result for usa great

Monday, September 16, 2013

'Nuclear Proliferation' a Colossal Failure

Nuclear Proliferation took the center stage immediately after the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in the year 1945, which effectively concluded the end of the Second World War. The massive destruction of life and property put the spotlight on nuclear weapons which was fairly unheard of at that time. This new found development in weapons technology suddenly became the best deterrent a country could ask for to safeguard its borders.


The United States of America has officially become the most hated and loathed country in the world. Granted the US is number one in many other aspects, but as far as reputation goes not so much. The country's Obsessive Compulsory Disorder to police the entire world has not only bought its citizens bulls eye targets but also tarnished the reputation of the once mighty power that commanded respect and awe in the world.

Saturday, March 9, 2013

The Big Bang

Just like how they say every tale should have a fitting end, so should this beginning. The beginning of 'LifeDictator' is a special occassion to me for two things, one, it is a platform where I can introduce various methodological thinking and ideas, and second, it gives me the ability to help people in any way I can. The reason you ask me for bringing this about is simple, to remind people of our life's purpose, to invoke the good and bad memories that life has given, to alter people's perception and vision of the misgivings of life as destiny than a minor setback, to instill the age old philosophy and motto about life

"Only one life, live to the fullest"  

Keeping this in mind the first post in my blog entombs the whole idea of what 'LifeDictator' holds. That is why I will take the heartbreaking story of a cancer patient a young girl called Alice Pyne as the primary subject and her amazing tale to fulfill her bucket list.